I got back late Friday evening from an ePortfolio and First Year Experiences symposium, held at LaGuardia Community College in Queens, New York and including participants from over 15 colleges and institutions across New York. It was such an invigorating experience! It is so rewarding to be surrounded by so many people who care deeply about teaching and learning and who truly put the student first in education. I plan to post a more detailed reflection about my experiences later this week. |
I asked Bob last night, how is possible to love someone so much when they can sometimes drive you so freakin' crazy?! I suppose this question could be applied to all of the males in my life, but I was specifically thinking about my little boys when I posed that question last night.
Seriously, they are sometimes quite frustrating, pretty much always exhausting, and yet I love them fiercely.
Yesterday it was so bitter cold and windy, and Taylor was feeling a little under the weather, so we stayed inside all day. As Bob put it, there wasn't anything on our main floor that the boys didn't have their hands on yesterday. They pretty much took everything out and we put everything back. The main floor and both of their rooms were in various stages of chaos yesterday, and that's sort of how I felt myself at times.
So it was sort of a long day yesterday, since we were basically just climbing the walls all day, but I enjoyed loving on my little ones. I played lots of games with Taylor and loved on Stephen. Bob also took Stevie to the grocery store and then he (Stephen) took a long nap, so that at least had him occupied for a good part of the day.
With all of this going on, how was all of my exercising, you may wonder?
Well, I did not end up having a chance to work out last Tuesday. I just had too much work to to do to prepare for our trip. So I made sure to get in a workout on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was spent presenting and traveling, and Saturday was a total recovery day. I am on the fence as to whether or not I'll make it to the gym today. Bob and I would need to take turns going to the gym and watching the boys, and after a night with a little boy getting up at 2 a.m. and then again at 6 a.m., I'm not sure either of us is feeling all too energetic. Bob is currently trying to catch a little more rest, and the later the day gets, the less likely, I think, that we will make it into the gym. We'll see... If we don't go today, I know we'll get in a good workout tomorrow! Below is a list of what I did on Wed. and Thurs. of this past week:
Wednesday: worked out in the hotel gym
-- 25 minutes on the treadmill at a 6.0 and higher pace
-- 15 reps of bicep curls with 10 lbs. (3 sets)
-- 15 reps of lunges with 10 lbs. (3 sets)
-- a handful more of random arm strength exercises
-- 20 push-ups
-- 25 regular crunches
-- 25 bicycle crunches
-- 15 seconds plank (3 sets)
Thursday: worked out in the morning in the gym hotel
-- 20 minutes on the treadmill
-- 15 reps of bicep curls with 10 lbs. (3 sets)
-- 15 reps of lunges with 10 lbs. (3 sets)